Our goals

The THRILL project provides new schemes and devices for pushing forward the limits of research infrastructures of European relevance and ESFRI landmarks. Eight partners joined forces not only to work on advancing technology in the field of high-energy high-repetition-rate lasers, but also to train a highly skilled workforce for tomorrow’s challenges in research infrastructures and industry.

Overcome technical bottlenecks

THRILL focuses on overcoming several technical bottlenecks in high-energy high-repetition-rate laser technology that up to now prevented reaching the technical readiness level required to technically specify and build the needed devices, guaranteeing the sustainable and reliable operation of such laser beamlines at the partnering RIs.

Address enabling technologies

The project addresses three enabling technologies, which require the most urgent efforts and timely attention by the community: high-energy high-repetition-rate amplification, high-energy beam transport and optical coating resilience for large optics.

Produce several prototypes

The major activity within THRILL will be organized around producing several prototypes demonstrating a high level of technical readiness.

Propose concrete steps

The project aims at proposing concrete steps to increase the performances and effectiveness of the industrial community through the co-development of advanced technologies up to prototyping in operational environments.

At last, the project is not only pushing technology, it is also offering an outstanding opportunity to train a highly needed qualified work force for RIs and industry.

With this in mind, the structure of THRILL promotes synergetic work, fast transfer to industry and integrated research activities at the European level.