The THRILL consortium is expanding

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, as coordinator of the THRILL project, welcomes three new members to the project: the Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI-ERIC), the University of Rochester and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Thanks to an amendment to the project, which the European Commission validated recently, the[…]

Successful completion of the THRILL End-User Workshop and General Assembly Meeting 2023

From 24 to 27 October, 2023, the beautiful setting of Wasem’s Engelthal Monastery in Ingelheim (Germany) became a hub of innovation and collaboration for the high-energy laser community. The four days were a great opportunity to review the progress made in each work package and task, and to exchange[…]

Laser research community THRILLed — Ten million euro funding for high-repetition-rate laser technology developments

The THRILL (Technology for High-Repetition-rate Intense Laser Laboratories) project received more than ten million euro of funding in the framework of the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE program. The project aims at providing new designs and high-performance components for high-energy high-repetition-rate lasers, enabling the technical readiness level required to specify[…]

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